First, I want to apologize for the late post… I will try to get them up by 7pm EST every day – 1 a day – until more are required. Tonight, I ran a into a delay in line doing the groceries - sorry... And now, back to the blog.
Now, before we move into the “ideas gallery” of this blog, I want to just clarify a few things:
• This blog is a series of ideas that have been percolating in my head for a long time now; and I’m choosing to share them via the blog. Maybe I’m biased – I’m sure many of you are shocked – but I think some of these ideas may have some merit.
• By using the words learn and education, I am not referring to anyone needing a post-secondary education of any sort. In fact, I know of many people who are not living in poverty at all, and who do not have a high school diploma. I am also well aware that there are very highly educated people living at, and under, the level of poverty.
In all cases, I am referring to the simple thirst for knowledge and desire to learn something; maybe even learn something new. Hey – we all had to learn to tie our shoes at one point, right?
• I acknowledge that some of the ideas that will be posted may already be “out there”. If you’ve heard of them, please share where and how they work? I will also be sharing many examples. Maybe it’s not a question of something new, but rather of importing something that works.
• I also acknowledge that there are some elements: images or references, which I will use throughout the blog that are proprietary to other entities. For example: though my profile image may portray Mr. Lemonhead, I clearly am not him. With this bullet point, I would like to refer you to the Lemonhead candy website. They are one of my favourites and one reason for the “lemonhead” reference throughout the blog. The other reason is the fact that we are talking about a Lemon Tree!
In any other situation where references or images will be posted, I will be sure to reference the source and also attempt to advise the entities involved.
The point of this blog is to make us aware of the link between poverty and lack of education, to highlight the chance that we have to expand hope through teaching, and hopefully to find a way for all of us to take action!
You are all invited to participate in this conversation… Ideas have to start somewhere, and then they need to grow. Like I said: who knows where this can lead?
Next stop: “Once Upon a Lemon Tree”
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