So, as is usual when I am looking for a specific highlight for the Lemontree, I tend to do a little research. I completely realize that, on some level, the notion of research for a blog defeats the spontaneity of the tool, but I like to back up my opinions... Today is no different! In keeping with my previous post on the Olympics, and my desire to showcase Vancouver – and the Tale of Two Cities – I chose to take a look through the various events going on in Vancouver. My goal was to highlight events specifically focused on raising awareness around the issue of, of course, poverty. Now – hold the phone!
Feel free to use my
Google Search: Summer events, Vancouver, BC. Over 28 million results... Crazy! So, I started looking through them: arts, sports, music, charities, environmental issues – you name it, there’s an event for it. I suppose that’s not really a surprise – apparently, every day is a day for something. (Apparently today, May 1, is May Day – celebrating the “real labour day” in many parts of the world.) But, back to the events... here’s what got me thinking. None of them (well, maybe some) are incredibly expensive to get into, and many are free! I started thinking about various previous posts. I believe, and it has been demonstrated, that when you find your passion – you learn about it, and learn how to apply it, you have a chance to make a difference in your own life, and maybe even in someone else’s. Yes; this blog is about poverty, and shedding some light on it. It’s also about sharing my views on how we can try and stop the bleeding, particularly in North America. We live in a place so rich in opportunity; built on the notion of “dreams”, “free society” and “opportunity”. Do I sound like a broken record yet? Share it!! I believe we need to provide everyone with equal opportunity to explore what they are passionate about and give them hope & a chance to develop that passion into something they can make a living out of.
So, this summer – let’s call this a Spritzer of hope... If you are going to a festival, event or other shindig. If you cross paths with someone less fortunate than you who might demonstrate some sort of interest in whatever “thing” you are going to see/watch/do. Maybe, just maybe, there’s some way you can share the opportunity, share a little hope...
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