Life really is good, isn’t it? Well, I live in Ontario (Canada), and it’s Family Day – nothing like a stat holiday! Today is a day when families - however you define them - should spend some quality time together and enjoy the simple things. And, I also want to wish a Happy President’s Day to all the American Lemonheads…
I felt that, since spring is in the air, it was time to keep the good vibes going and offer another feature:
Since then, I’ve spent a lot of time discovering this Little Brand that Could; here’s a quick synopsis:
Two brothers: Bert & John Jacobs. In 1989, these guys made a few tee-shirts, travelled the East Coast of the US to sell the tees and make a few bucks. They didn’t make much money and didn’t know much about the business. In 1994, when they got back from a, um, unproductive road-trip, they discovered the answer to their success on their apartment wall: Jake’s grin letting them know that Life is Good. Bert & John designed Jake tees, introduced them to retailers, and the brand took off.
But, Life is Good isn’t just a brand of clothing… As part of this optimistic movement, the Life is Good Kids Foundation, through dedicated clothing items and festivals, supports amazing charities that create a lasting impact on children facing unfair challenges, including trauma of violence, poverty and loss. Since it's clear that charities providing the tangible support (i.e. food, clothing, education) need resources to make this happen, then the LiG Foundation makes a real difference - another connector! (So far, over $4M raised to help kids facing these challenges.)
Their events offer hope and opportunity for so many across the US - and they are slowly but surely expanding internationally, including in Canada. In fact, it's first Life is Good Festival outside of the US will happen in TO this summer (2009).
This company makes me remember how much the simple things are often the ones that make the biggest difference… If you haven’t yet discovered them, I encourage you to do so. It's always easy to share a smile, like Jake's, and to help others see opportunities.
And remember, Life is Good… Lemonade is great! :-)
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